Relevant Courses
Intermediate Level CEE Graduate Courses
CEE 450. Surface Hydrology
CEE 451. Environmental Fluid Mechanics
CEE 452. Hydraulic Analysis and Design
CEE 453. Urban Hydrology and Hydraulics
CEE 457. Groundwater
CEE 491. Decision and Risk Analysis
CEE 498. Civil Engineering Special Topics
Advanced Level Graduate CEE Courses
CEE 534. Surface Water Quality Modeling
CEE 550. Hydroclimatology
CEE 551. Open-Channel Hydraulics
CEE 555. Mixing in Environmental Flows
CEE 557. Modeling of Groundwater Flow and Solute Transport
CEE 559. Sediment Transport
CEE 595 W. Water Resources Engineering and Science Seminar
CEE 598 EH. Environmental Hydrodynamics
CEE 598 SGW. Stochastic Analysis of Ground Water Flow and Transport
CEE 598 SH. Stochastic Hydrology
CEE 599. Thesis Research
TAM* 531. Inviscid Flow
TAM* 532. Viscous Flow
TAM* 538. Turbulence
* Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
Related Areas in Civil and Environmental Engineering
Graduate students enrolled in WRES may wish to include studies in other related areas in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. This may include individual courses or joint programs. Related areas of most interest are: Environmental Engineering and Science including water quality, wastewater treatment, environmental chemistry, hazardous waste management, aquatic ecology, environmental systems analysis, and air pollution. Geotechnical Engineering including soil mechanics, foundations, engineering geology, rock mechanics, and earth dams. Structural Engineering including structural analysis, design, behavior and reliability of structures including hydraulic structures.
Related CEE Courses
CEE 430. Ecological Quality Engineering
CEE 431. Biomonitoring
CEE 442. Environmental Engineering Principles, Physical
CEE 443. Environmental Engineering Principles, Chemical
CEE 444. Environmental Engineering Principles, Biological
CEE 472. Structural Dynamics
CEE 483. Soil Mechanics and Soil Behavior
CEE 484. Applied Soil Mechanics
CEE 490. Computer Methods
CEE 516. Systems Methodology and Network Techniques
CEE 537. Water Quality Control Processes I
CEE 538. Water Quality Control Processes II
CEE 572. Earthquake Engineering
CEE 581. Earth Dams
Related Areas Outside Civil and Environmental Engineering
There are several departments within the University that have teaching and research programs closely related to certain aspects of hydrosystems engineering. The departments include Agricultural Engineering, Atmospheric Sciences, Geography, Geology, and Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. Graduate students enrolled in WRES can take courses in these departments and can participate in collaborative research projects projects with faculty in these departments.
Agricultural & Biological Engineering
ABE 459. Drainage and Water Management
Atmospheric Sciences
ATMS 502. Numerical Fluid Dynamics
ATMS 510. Precipitation Physics
Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
CHBE 522. Fluid Dynamics
GEOG 406. Fluvial Geomorphology
GEOG 477. Introduction to Remote Sensing
GEOG 479. Advanced Geographic Information Systems
GEOL 470. Introduction to Hydrogeology
GEOL 471. Oceanography
GEOL 550. Principles of Engineering Geology
GEOL 570. Hydrogeology
GEOL 571. Geochemical Reaction Analysis
Industrial Engineering
I E 511. Integer Programming
Landscape Architecture
LAW 618. Natural Resources
MATH 446. Applied Complex Variables
MATH 455. Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations
MATH 458. Numerical Linear Algebra
MATH 459. Numerical Approximation and Ordinary Differential Equations
MATH 461. Probability Theory, I
MATH 463. Statistics and Probability, I
MATH 464. Statistics and Probability, II
MATH 465. Analysis of Variance
MATH 466. Probability Theory, II
MATH 468. Topics in Applied Statistics
MATH 469. Methods of Applied Statistics
MATH 498. Mathematical Methods in Engineering
MATH 553. Partial Differential Equations
MATH 561. Theory of Probability, I
MATH 562. Theory of Probability, II
MATH 556. Methods of Mathematical Physics, I
MATH 557. Methods of Mathematical Physics, II
MATH 564. Applied Stochastic Processes
Nuclear Plasma, and Radiological Engineering
NPRE 442. Radioactive Waste Management
Natural Resources and Environmental Science
NRES 487. Soil Chemistry
Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
TAM 536. Instability and Transition to Turbulence
TAM 549. Asymptotic Methods
TAM 574. Advanced Finite-Element Methods