WRES faculty and students conduct research covering a broad range of topics in hydrology, hydraulics and water resources systems. A list of current areas of research is provided below:
Environmental Hydraulics and Sediment Transport
- Stability of meandering channels and streambank erosion
- Mechanics of sediment sorting in river bends
- Sediment-turbulence interaction in environmental boundary-layer flows Sediment transport by gravity currents in the ocean
- Sediment transport in storm sewers
- Sediment-laden flows through emergent vegetation
- Reservoir sedimentation
- Wetlands hydraulics and hydrology
- Relationships between wetland plant occurrence and hydrologic indicators
- Engineering of flow-sediment interaction to improve outfall design
- Submerged jet and wall jet flows
- Numerical modeling of submerged outfalls
Groundwater Transport
- Numerical methods for transport of reactive contaminants in heterogeneous aquifers
- Natural Attenuation of organic contaminants in low permeability zones
- Groundwater model calibration and uncertainty quantification
- Pore-scale modeling of multiphase flow and reactive transport
- Geological sequestration of carbon dioxide
Large Scale Hydrologic Processes
- Modeling large scale hydrologic processes
- Land – atmosphere interaction
- Precipitation analysis and modeling
- Applications of wavelet transforms for multiscale studies
- Spatial organization of soil moisture
- Zebra Mussel Transport in Rivers
Water Resources Systems
- Water-food nexus
- Water-energy nexus
- Water footprints and virtual water trade
- Water resources economics and policy